Would Collection Services Have Any Part In Wrestling Storylines?

By Rob Sutter

World Wrestling Entertainment is one of those brands that don't know what it wants to be. On one hand, it is trying to be as legitimate a form of competition as UFC due to its oftentimes compelling competition but on the other hand, it's like the company wants to be akin to a traveling circus. There seems to be no sense of solidity and this makes it more difficult than it should be to suspend disbelief. That being said, collection services may just be another idea that wouldn't work in terms of narrative.

For example, one of the biggest tropes in wrestling today is contract signings and I can pretty much tell you how they unfold. Two wrestlers step into a ring, they talk to one another, they sign the contract, and hijinks ensue not soon after. It's very easy to predict how these segments will go because very rarely, if at all, do they come across as legitimate professional signings. It's just one of those repeated instances that I can't imagine people who have been fans for a long time aren't sick of.

There are also certain aspects of real life that wrestling tries to emulate but simply cannot make compelling. For example, the Divas Champion known as Kaitlyn is currently involved in a secret admirer storyline, which comes across as very childish. It would be one thing if this was done between middle school students, at the most, but this a storyline which has adults involved and they don't act this way. It's an example of a group of writers with their fingers not being exactly on the pulse.

If you were to tell me that wrestling would involve a storyline with collection services, I would immediately call you a liar. I think that this business is one of the most detailed and it's hard for me to believe that these same writers will do it justice. If they can't do something as simple as conduct a romantic narrative, I don't think they have the intelligence necessary to write about this kind of agency. It seems like companies along the lines of Rapid Recovery would be better off being represented anywhere else.

One of the parts of being a fan of anything is being able to understand when certain aspects are not done well. While I have no problem with the wrestlers from a talent standpoint, I do think that they aren't given material that is suited for their characters. It's difficult to act out storylines that you aren't comfortable with, I can imagine, and you may desire even the smallest degree of freedom. I just wish that more of these performers had said freedom.

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