Different Types Of Auto Insurance Coverage

By Justin McKenzie

When you're looking to buy auto insurance in Burlington, the different varieties of insurance available can be rather confusing. So much insurance jargon gets thrown around that it's difficult to know if you're getting the right deal or not.

Part of being a responsible driver is ensuring you have adequate auto insurance to cover you, your passengers and other drivers on the road in the event of an accident.

There are a variety of car insurance policies and levels of coverage to choose from. Here are some of the most common types of auto insurance policies to help you pick the best auto insurance policy possible:

Types of Car Insurance Coverage

There are a variety of car insurance coverage levels, and legal insurance requirements depend on the state you live in. Below are some of the types of car insurance coverage most commonly sold in the US:

Collision coverage - covers you and your car in an accident.

What is Covered?

Full coverage can include comprehensive car insurance cover and collision cover which offers you, your passengers, and your car protection in case you are involved in a road accident.

Your insurer should payout whether the accident is your fault, or somebody else's.

Personal Injury Protection - protects you in case of injury to your person during an accident.

Uninsured motorist coverage - pays out and protects you if you are involved in an accident with an uninsured driver.

Under-insured motorist coverage - helps with expenses if you are involved in an accident with someone who doesn't have a sufficient level of insurance to cover the damage caused to your vehicle.

- Damage done to your car by animals

This might be offered as a policy extra that protects you in case of a collision or accident involving an under-insured or uninsured driver. Your insurance company will pay out a sum of money to cover damages and will attempt to recuperate their losses from the at-fault party through other means.

- Rental Reimbursement, Towing and Labor

How Much Should You Pay?

How much you pay for your auto insurance policy depends on a number of factors. As we've discussed before, auto insurance is a business based on negating risk, therefore, how much you pay depends on how 'risky' a customer insurance providers deem you to be. In general, drivers who have a good, clean driving record, years of driving experience and are between 25 and 60 years old will have lower insurance premiums than others. Where you live, what job you do, the make and model of your vehicle, and how often you use your car will have an impact on your auto insurance rate.

Your auto insurance policy protects you in case of an accident, but it is entirely up to you which level of coverage you want to purchase above and beyond what is legally required in your state. Consider how often you use your car and what you use it for. Don't choose the cheapest and most basic option to cut costs; think about what would happen and how your life would change if you were involved in a serious accident and you didn't have the best auto insurance policy possible for you.

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